Wild Potions & Human Notions
Seen through the lens of the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic resulting from the indiscriminate consumption of wild animals, these artworks offer a narrative from the virus’s origin to the evolution of a vaccine, to cure mongering and potion peddling. Motivated by the human threat to other animals and the pending environmental meltdown, we see ourselves though anthropomorphism, a theme where animals embody, satirize, and appraise human behaviour and the hubris that prevents humanity from changing our behaviour.
Title: Like a bull in a China shop
(Definition: a person who breaks things or who often makes mistakes or causes damage in situations that require careful thinking or behaviour. China has an appetite for endangered animals. Seen here, the Chinese dragons on the bowls battle with a black rhino bull one of the many animals threatened by Chinese consumption.)
Bronze, limited edition of eightDimensions: 30 cm x 35 cm x 15 cmYear created: 2020
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Title: Pangolin World Domination
(What if the pangolins have plotted to exterminate the most destructive creature on earth, Humans!)
Ceramic edition signed and numberedDimensions: 30 cm x 20 cm x 20 cmYear created: 2020
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